Rules guide

Below you will find summarized information on the main aspects related to the rules of procedure. For example, in the "Points and Motions" sections, you can see all the points and motions you may use during CSAMUN.


Points and motions are essential tools for delegates as they guide the flow of the debate. To raise a point or motion, delegates must first raise their placards and be recognized. Motions address committee matters related to substantive debate, while points refer to other important aspects unrelated to debate content. A key distinction: points do not require a vote, but motions do.

NOTE: The rules of procedure at your school may include additional points or motions. However, only those listed below will be allowed at CSAMUN.


There are four main points that can be used during the conference.

NOTE: Points of personal privilege and points of order have special priority. Only when necessary, delegates may interrupt the Chair or speaker for these two remarks.

  • Point of Personal Privilege: Used to address your well-being and request changes to improve it.

Example: “Point of personal privilege. The room is too hot; could the air conditioning be turned on?”

  • Point of Information: Used to ask about facts concerning the committee or the agenda being discussed. It is used to clarify information (not regarding procedure) that is relevant to the current debate.

Example: “Point of information. This delegate could not clearly hear the latter parts of Delegate X's speech. Could Delegate X please repeat the last parts of their speech more slowly?”

  • Point of Order: Used to question a Chair's decision when a procedural error has occurred.

Example: “Point of order. This moderated debate hasn’t ended; there are still speakers remaining, according to the total and individual speaking times voted upon”

  • Point of Inquiry: Used to ask about the rules and procedures of the committee.

Example: “Point of inquiry. Could the Chair remind this delegate how the yielding of right works?”


There are many motions that can be used during the committee. Several of these motions are essential to the logistics of the debate and help the committee transition into various phases.

  • Motion to Suspend Debate: This motion adjourns a session of the committee (for example, before a break) with the intent to resume it later.
  • Motion to Close Debate: This motion ends the committee session and concludes the day's debate.
  • Motion to Set the Agenda
  • Motion to Introduce the Working Paper
  • Motion to Reply (1 minute)
  • Motion to Rejoined (30 seconds)
  • Motion to Introduce the Draft Resolution
  • Motion to Introduce Amendments
  • Motion to Start the Voting Process

Related to this:

Motion for Roll Call Voting: At the beginning of the session, countries declare themselves "present" or "present and voting." Those "present" may abstain from votes, while those "present and voting" must vote in all sessions.


Related to this

Motion to Divide the QuestionAllows a motion to be divided into two or more parts so they can be considered separately.

Example: "Motion to divide the question on clauses 3, 7, and 15."


Related to this:

Motion to Reorder the Draft Resolution

Debate Phases

Additionally, there are two main motions that introduce more specific forms of discussion: Motion for a Moderated Caucus and Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus. These motions will form most of the debate and are described in more detail below.

  • Motion for a Moderated Caucus

Related to this: Motion to Extend a Moderated Caucus

  • Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus

Related to this: Motion to Extend an Unmoderated Caucus

Moderated Debate

A moderated debate is a structured period of debate within a committee, facilitated and controlled by the chair and the dais. It allows delegates to discuss specific aspects of the agenda or topic in a more focused manner than during the speakers' list. As motions for moderated caucuses are proposed, focusing on various topics and times, the committee moves into a more organized and comprehensive debate. To propose a moderated debate, the delegate must include the topic, total duration, and individual speaking time. If the motion is accepted, the delegate can choose whether to speak first or last.


To propose a moderated debate: 

"Motion for a moderated caucus of (X) minutes with speaking time of (X) minutes/seconds on the topic of (X)."

Unmoderated Debate

An unmoderated debate is a period of informal discussion and collaboration among a committee's delegates. This phase is crucial for producing tangible results and laying the groundwork for future resolutions. Delegates may move around, temporarily suspend the rules, and interact freely with one another. Unmoderated debates allow delegates to form alliances, negotiate, draft resolutions, and coordinate positions on the topic being discussed.


To propose an umoderated debate: 

"Motion for an unmoderated caucus." You can also add a purpose to increase your chances of success. For example: "Motion for an unmoderated caucus to discuss working papers."

Speeches and Yielding Time 

When delegates make a speech and have extra time remaining, they must yield or allocate their time. This can be done in three different ways:


1. Yielding to the Chair: This ends the speech, and no further action is taken. The next speaker may proceed.

2. Yielding to Questions: This opens the floor for other delegates who may want to give feedback or ask questions of the speaker based on what they have just said.

3. Yielding to Another Delegate: This allocates the remaining speaking time to a delegate of the speaker's choice.

Working Papers and Resolutions

Working papers and resolutions are the main written products of the debate. Both have specific formats. In the "Pre-Conference Preparation" section, you can find high-quality samples of these documents. Both must have sponsors, delegates who participated in drafting the document, and signatories, delegates who consider the document significant and worthy of debate.


1. What is a Working Paper?

A working paper is a collaborative document created by delegates on a specific topic or issue after considerable debate. It is a precursor to a draft resolution and serves as a platform for delegates to propose ideas and solutions for the specific issue being debated.


2. What is a Resolution?

A resolution is a more refined version of a working paper. It is usually the product of an edited working paper or a merger of two or more working papers. Resolutions must be voted on to be approved and represent the committee's official response to the issue under debate. They are the final result of discussion, collaboration, and negotiation among delegates.


Disruptiveness refers to actions or behaviors that significantly alter the "status quo" of a committee. This term is essential and can have either a negative or positive connotation.

In the negative sense, disruptive behavior is that which negatively affects the flow, decorum, or effectiveness of the committee session. It harms the productive and diplomatic nature of the simulation. Examples of such behavior include: not following the rules of procedure, making interruptions or speaking out of turn, and using inflammatory or inappropriate language.

In the positive sense, disruptiveness is a metric used during procedure to determine the order in which motions will be voted on. Motions are voted from the most disruptive to the least disruptive. Highly disruptive motions are those that would significantly change the format or subject of the debate. The scale of disruptiveness for this simulation is detailed below.


From Most to Least Disruptive:

1. Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus

2. Moderated Debate with More Speakers

3. Moderated Debate with Fewer Speakers

4. Moderated Debate with More Total Time

5. Moderated Debate with Less Total Time

Dress Code – Western Formal Attire

  • Men: Suit, tie, and dress shoes.
  • Women: Blazer, dress shirt, skirt/dress, and dress shoes. Heels optional.




Colégio Santo Américo