Chairs: Nina Rizzo Freixo, Pedro Henrique Goettems, João Pedro Guerra de Almeida Prado e Maria Luiza Leão De Oliveira
How does society deal with the problems caused by the Syrian Civil War? This committee is convened to address multifaceted challenges posed by the Syrian War, including humanitarian crises, regional instability and the threat of terrorism in the Middle East.
Undertaking a deep analysis of the support provided by the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Assad regime in Syrian Arab Republic. This support has been a key factor in defining the dynamics of the Syrian conflict and has significantly influenced the regional balance of power. The political, military and economic assistance of the regime’s supporters have strengthened its ability to maintain control over important territories and have affected the broader geopolitical landscape in the Middle East. Moreover, the involvement of the United States of America, the French Republic and other allied nations with the numerous groups opposing the Assad regime will be examined. These relations have introduced a complex scenario of conflicting interests and have impacted the progression of the war, contributing to shifts in power dynamics and influencing international relations within the region. In closing, our discussion will explore how these external interventions have affected the humanitarian situation, the prospects for a political resolution and the implications for regional stability and international diplomacy
Disarmament measures in the Syrian territory (and other countries that end up being impaired because of the conflict) must be taken by the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to mitigate the violence that derives from armed conflicts. Lots of farmers and civilians in general reported that drones with explosives attached are being used by the Assad Regime (financed by Russia) to make them leave their territories, resulting in the farmers having to use their shotguns, which were made for hunting animals, to defend themselves and their families. Houses are being destroyed and day after day people are getting killed, however, these weapons tend to be more frequently used by the Assad regime, given that the crafting of such devices is cheap. The Syrian Civil Defense has documented more than 41 attacks in July (2024). Furthermore, the Islamic State of Iraq and ash-Sham (ISIS), according to the United States military, is trying to reconstitute itself after being several years with their capability decreased. More than 153 attacks in Syria and Iraq were registered in the first semester of 2024, that includes explosives, chemical weapons, mortars, artillery and other types of equipment, that results in other countries fighting back the terrorist forces, that’s why a coalition leaded by the US was made, yet it still increases the armed conflicts, consequently, leading to more violence and more deaths in the Syrian territory (and in the other countries involved, such as Iraq and Turkey). Additionally, is worth mentioning that there are various armed conflicts happening in the Syrian Civil war coming from all its sides, therefore they must be discussed, measures must be taken to prevent more innocent people dying. How many more people will have to be killed to stop the war? Homes are being destroyed as well as families, and it’s UNSC duty to discuss these topics and elaborate policies to regulate artillery possession by the different factions involved in the Syrian civil war.
Country of Japan - Fernando Fantozi Casal De Rey and José Guilherme Fantozzi Matheus
French Republic - Ana Beatriz Gontijo Maciel Mendes De Oliveira and Isabella Della Coletta
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Maria Clara Delfino Lagrotta and Rafaela Oliver Coutinho
People’s Republic of China - Luca Frizzo Gonçalves and Stefano Tonanni Rivetti
Republic of Armenia - Jorge Rossetti Ribeiro Nogueira and Samuel Bole Pellegrini
Republic of Iraq - Paulo Henrique Pereira Macedo Filho
Republic of Korea - Bruno Aguiar Moruzzi and Guilherme Peres Siviero
Republic of Turkey - Francisco Vilarinho Dias and Luiz Eduardo Leão De Oliveira
Russian Federation - Eduardo Sasatani Lucchini and João Pedro Santos Macedo De Almeida
State of Israel - João Brauen De Castro Bernardes and Thiago Teixeira Posses
Swiss Confederation - Juliana De Godoy Pereira and Maria Do Carmo Tinoco Cabral Maia Jacinto
Syrian Arab Republic - Lucca Pires Coelho da Fonseca Machado and Maria Luiza Behisnelian De Oliveira Cruz
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Rafaela Abi Jaudi Lunardelli e Victoria Otero Serrano
United States of America - Francisco Villalva Chebib and Lucas Schmidt De Souza Lima